মঙ্গলবার, ৭ মে, ২০১৩

How to install ns-2.34 on ubuntu 10.04

Steps to install ns2.34 on ubuntu10.04

1.at first stay into your home directory(/home/ashrafi/-- here ashrafi is my home folder)
Step1: Download ns-allinone-2.34 package from this <site>. I will be using ns version 2.34.

Step2: Place the ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz file in your home folder(/home/ashrafi in my case). Right click on the package and extract the contents in the same home folder.
[N.B (step 4-8 you need to connect internet to update and install these)]
Step3: Next, open the Terminal(Applications–>Accessories–>Terminal in ubuntu)

Step4: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Step5: sudo apt-get update

after completing update

Step6: sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev gcc-4.3

after completing install

Step7: sudo apt-get install g++ make autoconf automake libtool libxmu-dev

Step8: sudo apt-get install g++-4.3

Edit Makefile.in found at this location ns-allinone-2.34/otcl-1.13/Makefile.in as follows:
in terminal write command

Step9: clear
Step10: cd ns-allinone-2.34/otcl-1.13

if step10 doesn't work only then write(10.1)

Step10.1: cd otcl-1.13/

Step11: ls

Step12: gedit Makefile.in


Edit Makefile.in found at this location ns-allinone-2.34/otcl-1.13/Makefile.in as follows:

Find the line that says:
CC= @CC@
and change it to:
CC= gcc-4.3
 and press save button

after change it back to terminal

Step13: sudo su

Step14: cd ..

Step15: ./install

after successfully install ns-allinone-2.34 pakage without any error back to terminal

Step16: clear

Step17: su ashrafi

Step18: gedit   ~/.bashrc


 Append the following lines to the file ~/.bashrc
just go to end of the file and press enter and copy following instuction and paste it in there,then press save button






# Note: the above two lines starting from XGRAPH should come in the same line


Step20: now back to terminal and write down

    source ~/.bashrc

Step21: ns

Step22: %exit

Step23: nam

[note that:
download wireless-tcp and save as wireless-tcp.tcl

i've given below the code u've to copy it and paste in a notepad then save as wireless-tcp.tcl

source code:


# ======================================================================
# Define options
# ======================================================================
set val(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel    ;# channel type
set val(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation model
set val(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy            ;# network interface type
set val(mac)            Mac/802_11                 ;# MAC type
set val(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue    ;# interface queue type
set val(ll)             LL                         ;# link layer type
set val(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna        ;# antenna model
set val(ifqlen)         50                         ;# max packet in ifq
set val(nn)             2                          ;# number of mobilenodes
set val(rp)             AODV                       ;# routing protocol

# ======================================================================
# Main Program
# ======================================================================

# Initialize Global Variables
set ns_         [new Simulator]
set tracefd     [open wireless.tr w]
set namfd       [open wireless.nam w]
set f0 [open wireless-tcp.data w]

$ns_ trace-all $tracefd
$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namfd 20 20

# set up topography object
set topo       [new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid 20 20

# Create God
create-god $val(nn)

#  Create the specified number of mobilenodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them
#  to the channel.
#  Here two nodes are created : node(0) and node(1)

# configure node

        $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
                         -llType $val(ll) \
                         -macType $val(mac) \
                         -ifqType $val(ifq) \
                         -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
                         -antType $val(ant) \
                         -propType $val(prop) \
                         -phyType $val(netif) \
                         -channelType $val(chan) \
                         -topoInstance $topo \
                         -agentTrace ON \
                         -routerTrace ON \
                         -macTrace OFF \
                         -movementTrace OFF                   
        for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
                set node_($i) [$ns_ node]     
                $node_($i) random-motion 0              ;# disable random motion

# Provide initial (X,Y, for now Z=0) co-ordinates for mobilenodes
$node_(0) set X_ 5.0
$node_(0) set Y_ 5.0
$node_(0) set Z_ 0.0

$node_(1) set X_ 15.0
$node_(1) set Y_ 15.0
$node_(1) set Z_ 0.0

$ns_ initial_node_pos $node_(0) 5
$ns_ initial_node_pos $node_(1) 5

# Setup traffic flow between nodes
# TCP connections between node_(0) and node_(1)
set tcp [new Agent/TCP]
$tcp set class_ 2
set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $tcp
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $sink
$ns_ connect $tcp $sink

set ftp [new Application/FTP]
$ftp attach-agent $tcp
$ns_ at 10.0 "$ftp start"

proc record {} {
        global sink f0
        #Get an instance of the simulator
        set ns [Simulator instance]
        #Set the time after which the procedure should be called again
        set time 0.5
        #How many bytes have been received by the traffic sinks?
        set bytes [$sink set bytes_]
        #Get the current time
        set now [$ns now]
        #Calculate the bandwidth (in MBit/s) and write it to the files
        puts $f0 "$now [expr $bytes/$time*8]"
        #Reset the bytes_ values on the traffic sinks
        $sink set bytes_ 0

        #Re-schedule the procedure
        $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record"
    #    puts "getting out of record()"
    #    puts "$now"

# Tell nodes when the simulation ends
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
    $ns_ at 150.0 "$node_($i) reset";

$ns_ at 0.0 "record"
$ns_ at 150.01 "puts \"NS EXITING...\""
$ns_ at 150.02 "stop"
proc stop {} {
    global ns_ tracefd namfd f0
    $ns_ flush-trace
    close $namfd
    close $tracefd
    exec nam wireless.nam &
    $ns_ halt

puts "Starting Simulation..."
$ns_ run

Step24: now go to home folder/ashrafi/ns-allinone-2.34 then paste wireless-tcp.tcl file

in  home folder/ashrafi/ns-allinone-2.34 just press Ctrl+L  u'll see the directory like home/ashrafi/ns-allinone-2.34 then copy it and back to the terminal and paste it as step25

Step25: cd/home/ashrafi/ns-allinone-2.34
Step26:  ls
Step27:  ns wireless-tcp.tcl
Step28:  ls
Step29:  nam wireless-tcp.nam
Step30:  exit
Step31: sudo apt-get install xgraph

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